Make A Difference

We of the Prime Minister Charity Golf Classic aim to generate funds annually for charitable projects through corporate sponsored tournaments, involving all individuals and groups who share our passion for the holistic development of the less fortunate in our community.

Following is a list of the organizations and charities we have assisted since our inception:

– Lady Hochoy Home
– Sri Jayalaskshmi House
– Islamic Home for Children (Inc)
– Happy Haven School for handicapped children, Tobago
– Sylphill Children’s Home, Tobago
– J.C. Mac Donald Home for the aged
– Kids In Need of Direction (KIND)
– Cerebral Palsy Association
– Project to assist deaf children
– Individuals requiring heart surgery
– Physically and mentally challenged individuals
– Medical treatment for needy children
– Home repair for fire victims
– Children’s homes requiring facility upgrades
– Procurement of brail units for blind children
– Procurement of school necessities, sporting equipment, library material and medical supplies for needy children and families.

– Supply of food hampers and toys to needy children and families during Christmas
– Red Cross Society
– Bonne Aventure Pres. School
– Couva Home for the Aged.
– Blue Star T & T
– Mayo Youth Empowerment
– Tarouba Mission
– Phillips Home for children
– Angel Michael Youth Hostel
– House of Young Christians
– Hope Center
– New Life Ministries Children’s home
– Children of Faith Healing Temple
– Jesus Cares Family Cottage

Grenada Hurricane Relief fund

Haiti Relief Fund

Trinidad & Tobago Red Cross Society –  Fully equipped new ambulance

Autistic Society